Panel 1: Research, Training, and Partnerships: Breaking Disciplinary Boundaries

Panel 1: Research, Training, and Partnerships: Breaking Disciplinary Boundaries

August 2, 8pm (PST)/August 3, 11am (Philippines)

Economic and social transformations that accompanied the Early Modern period in 14th-19th century Southeast Asia took place in a dynamic natural environment that reflected and shaped its inhabitants. Most scholarship on Early Modern (EM) Southeast Asia attributes European expansion as a catalyst, and the limited environmental research undertaken offers coarse-grained sequences for the region during a substantial climatic upheaval. The PSU-PEMSEA (Program for Early Modern Southeast Asia) research program complements such earlier work through its bottom-up approach to studying local responses to ecological change before, during and after European contact. This research program promises to bring Partido to global discussions on environmental change during the Early Modern Period, particularly on reconstructing past environments and studying human-environment dynamics. This panel outlines the direction of PSU-PEMSEA collaborations and introduces the panels constituting the webinar series.


Raul Bradecina, Partido State University, Philippines Miriam Stark, University of Hawaii-Manoa Stephen Acabado, UCLA and Partido State University Raul Sebastian, Polytechnic University of the Philippines Da-wei Kuan, National Chengchi University, Taiwan

Moderator: Clement Camposano, University of the Philippines-Visayas

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